Two more wells for CME Bunia
CME Nyankunde in Bunia, Bunia, D.R. Congo
CME Bunia has become the Clinique Universitaire for the Faculty of Medicine at Shalom University Bunia. It is proposed to increase the capacity from 120 beds to 300 and an evaluation by Engineering Ministries International highlighted the need for two more wells to provide sufficient water for the hospital, at a cost of $7,000 USD each, to be installed as soon as the funds are available.

Secondary School Construction Project for the PRORESO Centre
PRORESO School, Bunia, D. R. Congo
After making 3,900 cement blocks, we are going to put in the foundation of the secondary school and the total cost of the building is to be $50,603 USD. The construction of the foundation has advanced but the estimate of remaining expenses for the foundation is $14,698. With the student enrolment at 737 of whom 176 are deaf, the need for more classrooms is all the more urgent.

Dormitory Construction Project for the PRORESO Centre
PRORESO School, Bunia, D. R. Congo
As of May 2024, at PRORESO School, Bunia, D R Congo, there are still 30 vulnerable, deaf, orphan girls and one housemother sleeping three to a bed in one classroom, 5m x 6m as a dormitory. In a second classroom 20 boys and one housefather spend the night. The construction of a 204 square metre dormitory for 50 children is an urgent need, at a cost of $60,232 US, and soon after another dormitory is needed for 50 children so that boys and girls can be separated. Previously PRORESO rented a mudwalled, tin roofed house and a separate cooking area, just off their property for a dorm. However the wife of the owner was encouraging the children to help her prepare home-brew alcoholic beverages and to taste them. She also encouraged them to try smoking cigarettes that she provided and lit for them.

Surgical Ward for CME Bunia – Completed
CME Nyankunde in Bunia, Bunia, D. R. Congo
Since December 2018, CME Bunia has had a full-time general surgeon, Doctor Samy Nigo. A new surgical ward was completed, furnished, and dedicated in March 2023. Dr. Baraka Mandro joined the surgical team in August 2023 and Dr. Sami Kobinama, a cancer surgeon, joined the team in January 2024. From the opening day, the beds have been full.

Private Patients Pavilion – Completed
CME Nyankunde in Bunia, Bunia, D.R. Congo
In 2013 a gift of $40,000 US was given to improve patient hospitalisation but the Medical Director felt we should aim for a Private Patients’ Pavilion that would cost $73,000 US. The money in hand was used to put in the foundation, to put up the exterior and interior walls, and to put on a roof. In 2017 and 2018 funds were given to complete the building and it was dedicated on January 30th 2019. Since then it has been at full capacity of eight patients most of the time and is much appreciated.

Project for the Production of Liquid Chlorine for the Home Treatment of Drinking Water in the City of Bunia, D R Congo
MUSACA Health Mutual, Bunia, D R Congo
The water in the two city systems of Bunia, D R Congo and 18 capped springs and 2 wells has been tested bacteriologically and found to be moderately to highly contaminated with coliform bacteria. This puts everyone at risk.
A pilot project using a BleachMaker kit has begun for the production of liquid chlorine for the home treatment of drinking water in the city of Bunia, D R Congo, population 1 million to decrease the incidence of Ebola, Covid-19, Typhoid Fever, Amoebic Dysentery, Bacillary Dysentery, Cholera, etc. under the auspices of MUSACA, a Health Mutual with 4000 members. In April 2024, 15 households who had suffered from Typhoid Fever were provided with liquid chlorine, as well as 104 other people. For an initial investment of $360 per year, 1000 bottles can be distributed.